Financial Foundations for Youth

Financial literacy is a life skill in modern society

Statistics show that students are inadequately prepared to face the financial burdens of the real world. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, saving and investing. We’ve got to do better for the leaders of tomorrow and give them the tools to succeed when they are starting off.

The Problem

Debt is increasing higher than disposable income. Youth get a post-secondary education and aren’t prepared for the financial debt they take on. In addition, financial products have never been as accessible as they are today. As a result, it is crucial that every student has a strong basis of financial knowledge - for all parts of their life ahead.

  • 54% of Canadians don’t have a budget

  • 50% of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque

  • 75% of 18-24 yr olds don’t know how to save for retirement

Customized Youth Programs

My youth financial programs are customized to your school or institution. Whether it’s a series of workshops or a 1/2 day, my focus with youth is to build the fundamentals. Teaching healthy money habits and mindsets, plus the tools to start off money management right will help change the destiny of today’s youth. I work with you to narrow down the right program providing planning and program design, training and facilitation.

  • Workshops with a certified Financial Counsellor

  • Customized workshops

  • Judgement-free, professional advice